By choosing monthly gifts, you make your charitable contribution simple and effective while also allowing you to break down your giving into more manageable amounts within your personal budget. See the chart below for a breakdown of how your monthly gift adds up throughout the year.
Monthly Annually
Members, please log in using the Optional Member Login link above to simplify your donation process and ensure your donation is quickly added to your member record. Login not required to make a gift.
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By clicking submit, the donor agrees that (a) all gifts made to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation will become part of the funds administered by the Board of Directors of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation; and (b) all gifts made shall be made at the sole discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Additionally, the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation will retain 15% of non-endowed restricted donations to support the Foundations’ overall mission of providing crucial leadership and educational training.
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