Violet Tributes

By sending a Violet tribute you can honor your sisters, family and friends while supporting the Tri Sigma Foundation.  Your Violet Tribute gift empowers Sigma leaders by funding essential leadership development and educational programming.

Tips and Instructions: 

Step 1. Click Optional Login at the top and login to your Sigma Connect account. 

Step 2. Under Dedicate my Gift, click “Tribute Lookup” to search for a sister by name, chapter or state. 

Step 3. Click “Add or Edit Message” to select your email banner image and enter your custom tribute message. 

Step 4. If you would like to send more than one violet tribute, please increase your gift amount by $5 for each person. One tribute spot will unlock for every $5 given. (Example, if you want to send three tributes, make a $15 gift.) 

Step 5. Then press “Add another” and complete the “Tribute Lookup” and “Add or Edit Message” again. 

If you would like to purchase over 100+ Violet Tributes or are having problems email

1. I want to give:

Or enter your own amount:

2. Your information:

First Name
Informal Name
Last Name
Maiden Name (if applicable)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal Code
Phone Number
Chapter (if applicable)

3. Dedicate your gift (Optional):

Note Icon Add or Edit Message
Remove Icon Remove
Add Another — Every $5.00 unlocks an additional tribute slot (up to 25).

4. Payment details:

Accepted Cards
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name on Card

By clicking submit, the donor agrees that (a) all gifts made to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation will become part of the funds administered by the Board of Directors of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation; and (b) all gifts made shall be made at the sole discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Additionally, the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation will retain 15% of non-endowed restricted donations to support the Foundations’ overall mission of providing crucial leadership and educational training.